Category «Uncategorized»

[SQL] JDE F0005 UDC Helper

I waited far too long in my career to write this simple function to clean up SQL queries that involve looking up JDE UDC Descriptions. As you may know, JDE has an entire catalog of “User Defined Codes” that are all stored in a single table called F0005. This table has many properties that make …

[JDE] Create a JDE Load Balancer using Apache’s httpd

How to setup a HTTP Load Balancer for JDE using the open source Apache httpd webserver. Your Apache must have the following core modules enabled: mod_rewrite, mod_headers, mod_proxy, mod_proxy_http, mod_proxy_balancer You may need to adjust the following settings: ServerName ServerAlias DocumentRoot <Directory> (to match DocumentRoot) BalancerMember (list the URL for each of your JDE instances) …